Get Involved

Whether you decide to sponsor someone in need or become a prayer partner, you can join us and see lives transformed!

Become a Sponsor

You can help transform the lives of vulnerable women and children through sponsorship, and on top of that you get to see generational change first hand!

Part of the sponsorship journey is building a rewarding relationship with the woman or child by writing and receiving letters of hope and encouragement.

Find out more

Pray with us

Every month we email out our Prayer Link. This is a great way to partner with us, discover the length and breadth of what we do, and see God at work within the Mukti community.
Join us now

Sign up to our Newsletter

Four times a year we send out a newsletter that showcases stories from our India and New Zealand Projects. These are available in email and in print. You can sign up or order your copy below.
Sign up

Volunteer in New Zealand

There are many great ways to get involved. You can establish a Mukti prayer group in your home or church, become an Area Representative, organise a fundraiser event with your friends, and so much more. Let’s chat and see how we can help you make it possible!

Let’s talk

Visit Mukti

If you would like to experience Mukti for either a few days or a few months, there are several options available.
Vegetables grown on the farm have become invaluable in keeping not only Mukti residents healthy during the Covid lockdown but also neighbouring families.

Personalised Visit
For those who would just like to stay a few days or up to a month. You may be travelling in India and include a visit in your itinerary, wish to meet the person you sponsor or see what we are doing and be a part of it for a while.

You may like to visit Mukti and experience it as part of a group where you will have companions and a team leader to smooth the way and make sure you get the most out of your time.

Short Term Volunteer
If you would like to stay a bit longer and make a difference you may volunteer (up to six months). There are opportunities particularly for teachers, health professionals, or in agriculture and construction. If these aren’t ‘you’ don’t be put off, there may be a place for your skills.

or check out Discover Mukti to learn more

Interested in discovering Mukti first hand?
Send us your details and we’ll get in touch!